Crock Pot Canna Butter

^^^^ pretty exotic!

anybody ever had a Goo Ball? they're popular at music fests, usually a pretty lass walking around with a basket full of never know exactly what you're buying though.
You can increase the potency of the butter but double running it. This is where you add herb water and butter to a crock pot cook it 12 hours stirring often. Then press out your butter and return it to an empty crock pot and add more butter and water to cook another 12 hours. After filtering the butter and letting it go solid, seperate it from the remaining cook water. Then add the solid cannabutter to a very large stock pot with fresh water in it. Melt to butter and stir well. Allow butter to cool till solid then drain off the water and repeat . This is the water washing tech that I invented. It will remove most of the water soluable contaminants and fiber making for much improved flavor and usability for making confections, pasta sauces, etc....
So you return your first run seperated butter back to heat with more water and fat and it makes it stronger? Do you also add more herb or repeat with the first batch herb??

You invented the double wash to get more of the green out?! Jeez! Good work. I had assumed that had been around for awhile.

Thanks man! Appreciate the tutorials. Good Cookin'!:ridinghorse:

You can increase the potency of the butter but double running it. This is where you add herb water and butter to a crock pot cook it 12 hours stirring often. Then press out your butter and return it to an empty crock pot and add more butter and water to cook another 12 hours. After filtering the butter and letting it go solid, seperate it from the remaining cook water. Then add the solid cannabutter to a very large stock pot with fresh water in it. Melt to butter and stir well. Allow butter to cool till solid then drain off the water and repeat . This is the water washing tech that I invented. It will remove most of the water soluable contaminants and fiber making for much improved flavor and usability for making confections, pasta sauces, etc....
I may hve been a bit high when I wrote this. Two seperate processes. DOuble batching and water washing. Double batching is making cannabutter with cannabutter. You do a regular croc pot run then return the butter to the croc with more new herb and run it again.

The second process, water washing, makes the butter more useful (works with confections and lightly flavored foods way nicer than unwashed butter), makes it taste better, reduces the water soluble contaminants a whole bunch and most importantly reduces the fiber content which can play hell on IBS/Crons patients. Washing the butter is as simple as adding solid cannabutter to a large stock pot of fresh water, heat until the butter is melted then whisk vigorously to expose the butter to as much water as possible then allow to cool at room temperature until fully solid. Then repeat until the water from the wash is clear. Usually 2 or 3 times max but just once cleans it up a bunch. You will be amazed t ll the sediment that collects at the bottom of the first wash water. It's pretty intense.