Coconut Bud Capsules

Don't get me wrong I loved the 1st batch, it's just my nature to try and tweek stuff. plus i have never worked with a candy thermometer before, so this is all new for me. :)
I let it have about 30 min. contact time @150 f, then Slowly brought the temp up to 265 f for another 5 min. and then let slowly cool to 100 f. It seemed to have a better effect for me than any other method. If i brought the temps up to 300+--it seemed like the bud was getting vaporized into the air and not into the oil.
Another good way is to do the above and let it sit in the oil for a couple weeks and then make tablets. Ii have noticed a stronger effect from doing it that way:thumright:
I have made around 20-30 batches of these so any info on how to make these better is straight:pimp:--much :bigarmhug:
Vaporization temperatures (ie temperatures at which canabinoids "boil off" ):
CBD 206.3 °C[6], CBN 212.7 °C[7], THC 149.3 °C[8]

Converted to *F : 206.3 = 403.34; 212.7 = 414.86; 149.3 = 300.74

So it appears that maintaining the temp at 300+ may cause loss of THC. FWIW...
Being the impatient individual I am...While I was waiting for responses yesterday (5 minutes after my post) I did a small 7 gram batch using some street weed. I added the bud at 350, it sizzled, but no big vape cloud, lol. I lowered the heat and simmered that for a couple minutes. The resulting caps are weaker than my 1st batch, but still work . (1st batch was ultimate grapefruit). I will be doing another batch today at lower temps I will stay between 250 and 275 using the same amount of street weed, and then compare. BTW this street weed looks great, even under the radioshack scope, loaded with trics and red hairs... if it wasn't compressed and seeded the bag appeal would be comparable to the buds I grow. That of course is until you smelled or tasted it. I did a couple of vape hits though and copped a good, "it's in there" :) . I am reasonably sure the lower temps will render better caps, but I will let you know for sure.
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Ok, the preliminary verdict is the lower temp batch is a little better, 350 was probably pushing it....Had to caps about 90 min ago with my 1st cup of coffee :)

Interestingly enough I googled boiling point of thc and got conflicting answers.

Most entries say around 390 F. A few say 314, That's a lot of leeway.

I know that if I set my vaporizer on 390 I would be pretty much smoking instead of vaping. I don't know how accurate my vape's temp gauge is, but I have found my vape does well set at about 350, fwiw.
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One of my patients came by to get some of these today. She told me the dispensary down the street is charging $8 a piece for these. WTF?
Like Still buzzin I've made Canabrex Caps (3x) for years and they kick ass, almost too much for me. ( I use kif, don't really want to use bud.,) Last many hours at least 6-8. Wonder how one would gauge amount of kif to substitute for the bud in the Coco recipie?
That sounds interesting, think I'll break out the kif box this week end.
I'm going to take a few caps to work with me today. First sign of back acting up and I'm gonna gobble these things. What the hell, its my friday.
You can over do it. the one real bad experience lasted well over 24hrs and was worse than ANY bad trip I've had.
I have done that with brownies, cakes, cookies and muffins. My worst one lasted 6 hrs and that was awful. It left me a little gun shy towards edibles...until now that is :) I love the control caps give you to dial the dose in, it's nice being able to enjoy the benefits of edibles without the guesswork.
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i take one everynight have replaced sleeping with tylenol pm every night i feel they work better then tylenol pm i sleep like a baby i usually dont if i dont ake anything,,,,I find when drinking it cancels out on me,,,,,they also work great for the afternoon nap these are great for aches and pains and im very gratefull to have them handy!:woohoo:
Nice thread :)

I finally got myself some coconut oil (organic too), and hemp seed oil too.

I'm going to try doing the oil instead of the butter really soon, so I'm working on learning as much as I can.

Seems its not much different than making butter, and I could easily do the crock pot method with water that I use.

Has anyone done it this way as shown on this YouTube video?


I love the grape press!! I really need to get one of those! I don't have a pressure cooker though, but that sounds like a good idea.

I'll take pictures of what I do and make a thread or something like I did for my butter thread.

You're going to love those SS. My patients swear by them and I'm now making about 250 a month and still can't keep up with demand.
Very nice.

The coconut oil does not change structure or properties when heated like many other oils do. A healthy choice indeed.

Has anyone tried the vege caps yet? Pine bark is another seriously healthy ingredient, though not sure what's in the processed capsule material.

Question - did you try the vape leavings in caps stryder?

Think they might make great sleeping pills.
^^ I did try vape leavings but only one batch so far, and they seem to work differently for different people. I found them effective for sleeping and to a lesser extent pain relief. A friend said he barely noticed anything, but his wife couldn't stay focused at all. So I guess the verdict is still out until further testing. I will be making more soon.
Anyone still making these?

We still enjoy these capsules and now we are into making mini brownies. I also bought a Volcano so we haven't smoked a joint or a bowl in a couple of months now and I don't miss it at all.