Coconut Bud Capsules

My opinion: The bud capsules work fine the way they are. No need for Cannabrex (or any other fillers). YMMV

The only change I plan for next time is to use 3/4 cup coconut oil as they were supposed to make 200 capsules and we ended up with 288. So, the next run should be even better.

I just thought I'd chime in, having been one of the first buyers of the Cannabrex kit many years ago. When made with hash or oil, using the strong recipe, they are VERY strong for me.

I just dug my kit out, but the ingredients are most likely too old to use, but I found out what is in it anyway. It's nothing more than coconut oil (processed a certain way), and pharmaceutical grade corn starch. The cornstarch isn't a "filler", rather it just makes it easier to handle and fill the capsules.

FWIW, I know the guy, don't give him your money... :p

I'm just finishing up a batch with new coconut oil, and plain old corn starch. I'll chime in tomorrow to let people know how they work. My knee is FUCKED, I hope this offers some relief!
Here is what it looks like before I fill the capsules. The consistency is that of dry paste. This was made from BHO.


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Strain specific effects?

Has anyone noticed a significant difference in their capsules depending on what strain they use? Reason I ask is that I generally use a mix of whatever I have on hand. For me, personally, I find that both edibles and vaping reduce the subtle differences and nuances I am able to pick up when combusting a bowl. Meaning, I can certainly tell the difference between a bowl of bubba and one of sour d. Give or take I find it easiest when burning. Not so much when vaping or eating.

I'm about to put this theory to the test. I made some specific oil using bubba jones and another batch of oil using chem d. I can tell the difference when burning these two. It remains to be seen if there is a difference in the edible buzz. Mind you it's not exactly a scientific analysis so please let's not get hung up on how many variables I don't control. :). I used a half oz. of each, both grown outdoors this summer, to the same amount of oil.

Just interested if it was time well spent running smaller batches of strain specific or if I should just continue doing what ive done in the past which is to just mix what I have and make one bigger batch of oil.

Take care and enjoy. I know I am. FYI- other than a very occasional celebratory bowl, or if I'm trying to try a friends homegrown for the first time, I have been exclusively using capsules and my pax. Its been a huge help and my lungs are better for it. Largely staying away from the waxes, shatters, oils etc save for a few small samples from friends here. I'm a lightweight, and as a friend here put it - if flowers still work, stay off the oils.

So thanks once again for this old reference able thread. I continue to make them and enjoy them.

Take care
Off the cuff, I think your caps would be even better if you would express the oil away from the marc (extracted bud powder) before capping it. It would also make your capsulizing easier because there would be no solids, just warm coco-ganj oil. But this is just personal preference I guess. Some people like ingesting the green, I don't, myself.

I've never made the caps, but i would probably strain the oil from the 'marc' (did not know it was called that) cuz am clumbsy and why make it harder on mice self.
Rather than waste the goodies left in the marc, the marc could be stirred into a kettle of hot chocolate (cocoa, sugar, milk) and strained into drinking cups...