York Genetics

I really appreciate the kind words, especially from some of you OG's! 😉🙏💚

yeah, hit them with Gaia Green but they were still hungry, so I went in with full strength salts. Then full strength salts with no pH for a good amount of time. And I was lacking Ca on the GG regimen so they were burned but also Ca hungry and also locked out lmao. I just had too much going on in my life to care enough about any of that unfortunately. Which says a lot because I can usually manage the bare minimum to keep them happy.

On a positive note; I did take down some unseeded quicker finishing strains.

1111 (Angel Numbers). Partially seeded. And if you saw my last vid you know how rough this grow went… and it still looks like that! Quick finisher, pulled this sample nug at 45 days. Threw half of it in a volcano vaporizer…

Notes; smells = kush and chocolate with a hint of purple. Taste = earthy, purple, og. Hit’s instantly, lasted a solid 90 minutes, and then I came back to normal. That 90 minutes was high af, a complete blur. A nice functional indica (does not make you sleepy), great pain relief. Don’t remember a thing and didn’t feel a thing for those 90 minutes at all. Zero burnout afterwards.
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1111Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 12.13.29 PM.png

Eutierria - pulled at 45 days. smells like BO (body odour) and kush, on top of orange soda. Taste is very musky (like triangle kush) with some sweet orange undertones.

Hit’s FAST and HARD. Body feels incapacitated. I don’t want to move, any position is comfortable. Mind is blank. Feeling a sense of pain relief I haven’t felt in the last year. This might sound funny but it felt like my joints got greased… like I could do a backlfip, but I wouldn’t dare LOL.

Hit’s instant but also a delayed 10min creeper. (The mother was like that was well.) Right when you think this hit nice I’m good, well be prepared for it to really kick in another 10 minutes from now.

This one lasts a feww hours. Went to sleep still feeling it.
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