wish list thread?

Seedfinder has an option for CBD strains that i was looking at. You can choose different levels of CBD to THC. That's how i found the lower THC ones. It's a lengthy list, but there was an auto affy that would fit the bill, according what was in the description. Dunno how many of those seedbanks are still around.
Also, i was looking at Mandala's Rishi Kush...they have others that are gentle, too. Are you set on 'no sativa' in there?
I don't think some Sativa component would be a deal breaker Nanny. That idea of using Seedfinder is a legit one also. Thanks for that. Believe it or not. I think I actually have a few Rishi Kush. I need to get those out.
Yes on the Lebanese Nanny. I have seed of those I can put in the ground, but outdoor season is a fair distance away yet....not to mention space considerations.Yikes. Orient Express is also interesting. I think I even have a Feminized seed of that one as well.
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