$800 bong


The Dr is in
I saw this on display at the local glass shoppe. This is a consignment piece some friends of theirs made. Several people involved in making all the individual pieces. The assembly almost drove them crazy from what I heard.
Big props to all the guys who had a hand in this.

You can drop a grand on a "illadeph" quick like.:bong2::bong2::flyguy:
Beautiful piece,

When I see stuff like this I always think if I bought something like this I'd never use it because it would be too hard to clean lol.
i just don't see $800 for glass i'm sorry. i know folks put a lot of effort into things but i just wouldn't drop that kind of coin on a bong.
Same here rev even if $$ was no object. Thats an obscene amount. Then again if you look at it as art...
I have a custom heady bubbler on order thats going to run $150 or so and I'm still having trouble believing I finally ordered it.
to much bo coo on a bong for me , but i bet it hits so smooth that the price is worth it , nice peice!!:up:
Nice tube bro. A collab piece like that is really hard to do, these guys put tons of time and skill into it. The glass can get pretty pricey itself for top shelf wares... That same tube w/o all the work is prolly 200$ or less. I have seen sandblasted bear claw pieces go for well into the 1000's. I must say I dont have anything quite 800$ but I am close on a few.. glasspipes.org and tokecity have tons of eye candy....