3 out of 4 regular users prefer flower over concentrates

Tried it all, and I prefer a fattie when out moving about, and spoon at the house. Something is missing in the toke with concentrates imo. Not sure what it is, but just don’t get the hit I do with nice cured flower.

>missing..the high to sedation ratio is lower imho..concentrates veer towards sedation
Interesting topic for sure!

I love weed in all its forms: vapor, smoke, resin, edible with edibles definitely being least preferred. Smoke, vapor, and concentrates all have their place imo. I smoke freshly ground buds only, vape the dry leftovers couple times a week out the volcano. Getting concerned about the amount of smoke I intake daily though...

Agree 100% on the need for cleanliness Variety. Figure I will eventually spend 10k on a dui if I don't find another way to travel and smoke, so may as well spend 5k on a solventless setup. How'd you get the dui if you do not mind me asking? Sorry to bring up bs but I've been very close in the past before there was a law ...would have certainly landed me a dui once or twice in the past but was let go...no so anymore.
Flower guy.
Concentrates are great if you don't have anything to do. Two hits of most extracts make me couch bound. That's no fun for me.

I like to smoke one-hits of cut up well trimmed weed out of a bowl I clean daily for freshest flavor. I do one or two hits every few hours and keep a nice steady flow through my day.
Hey reed man sorry on the delay. I was driving 45 everyday to my in-laws to take care of plants as I was waiting to get my house and I would smoke weed on the way home. Next day going up I was doing 8 mph over the speed limit.
As soon as he walks up he said he can smell burnt weed (from the joint I smoked the night before). I was in fact high but I’ve been way higher getting pulled over before andjust got a ticket for the weed. In Colorado you can have 5 nano grams in your blood and to give you an idea how low that is a probation UA only detects as low as 50nano grams. I could have not smoke all week or 2-3 weeks for that matter and my blood test would still be above 5 nano grams.
So now anytime I get pulled over and my license gets ran a dui comes up. And I refused the blood test like an idiot so I had to have a alcohol breathalyzer for two years which is up in December. That part alone was 2k lol
Then during my license hearing the cop was bragging how he has 750 dui arrest and he teaches the classes to reconise drug and alcohol driving. Cost a lot of money and a lot of time. I had like 40 weeks of classes I had to attend... the burnt joint smell just gave it all away and I had to pay the price.
Interesting topic for sure!

I love weed in all its forms: vapor, smoke, resin, edible with edibles definitely being least preferred. Smoke, vapor, and concentrates all have their place imo. I smoke freshly ground buds only, vape the dry leftovers couple times a week out the volcano. Getting concerned about the amount of smoke I intake daily though...

Agree 100% on the need for cleanliness Variety. Figure I will eventually spend 10k on a dui if I don't find another way to travel and smoke, so may as well spend 5k on a solventless setup. How'd you get the dui if you do not mind me asking? Sorry to bring up bs but I've been very close in the past before there was a law ...would have certainly landed me a dui once or twice in the past but was let go...no so anymore.
something to think about: when you perform and extraction of the compounds in a cannabis flower, you only extract the compounds that bond with the extraction agent. Since there's 400 some compounds in said, bud, you don't get the whole group/blend of compounds (theoretically) or the whole benefit. You get high as holy bat crap, but you don't get the benefit of all the compounds in the flower.
Guy, are you talking about ice water hash and squished rosin? There's no bonding there perse. What benefits of smoking flower or plant material are there? Other than the resin on the trichome heads, I don't think I want to smoke any other parts of the flower anymore. Smoking anything probably causes cancer, it doesn't seem natural or healthy even though humans have done it for a long time. My best friends father passing this year from esophagal cancer is making me think more closely about smoke in general. He was the first and biggest grower we ever knew.

End of the day, I doubt I'll ever stop smoking flower/plant matter . Who knows, maybe the concentrated lipids and stuff is worse to smoke than plant matter! Wish there was more science around it.
Hey reed man sorry on the delay. I was driving 45 everyday to my in-laws to take care of plants as I was waiting to get my house and I would smoke weed on the way home. Next day going up I was doing 8 mph over the speed limit.
As soon as he walks up he said he can smell burnt weed (from the joint I smoked the night before). I was in fact high but I’ve been way higher getting pulled over before andjust got a ticket for the weed. In Colorado you can have 5 nano grams in your blood and to give you an idea how low that is a probation UA only detects as low as 50nano grams. I could have not smoke all week or 2-3 weeks for that matter and my blood test would still be above 5 nano grams.
So now anytime I get pulled over and my license gets ran a dui comes up. And I refused the blood test like an idiot so I had to have a alcohol breathalyzer for two years which is up in December. That part alone was 2k lol
Then during my license hearing the cop was bragging how he has 750 dui arrest and he teaches the classes to reconise drug and alcohol driving. Cost a lot of money and a lot of time. I had like 40 weeks of classes I had to attend... the burnt joint smell just gave it all away and I had to pay the price.

Thanks variety. What do you mean about being stupid to refuse the blood test though? I probably would have too....

We have the same 5 nanogram limit, first state to do it back in '15. I was tripping back then too on how low it is and basically it assures that if you smoke weed AT ALL regularly, you are a walking DUI. All they need is the smell and it's done, you're exactly right that's what I been fearing. Fuckit I'm stepping my game up i gotta quit with my dumb shit.

Cops can eat a bag of dicks for dinner.

We grew up with a ritual we called "Dank Mobbing" which is one of the joys of life in my opinion. Smoked out, boxed in the country like a clam.
I have no idea how you guys all get sleepy from concentrates. Only hash is sedative, and smoking herb or hash is always a burnout later leaving one tired feeling, I never get that with extracts, just up. And Sativa heat press is just zingy..

I smoked every day for about 20 years, and now its been about 20 years every day at about 99% only concentrates, namely home made rosin. Was BHO before. My dad only uses extracts too, for the same amount of time. I smoke the odd puff in the evening, when I want to relax. Smoke also never tastes as good as vaporized extract.
Thanks variety. What do you mean about being stupid to refuse the blood test though? I probably would have too....

We have the same 5 nanogram limit, first state to do it back in '15. I was tripping back then too on how low it is and basically it assures that if you smoke weed AT ALL regularly, you are a walking DUI. All they need is the smell and it's done, you're exactly right that's what I been fearing. Fuckit I'm stepping my game up i gotta quit with my dumb shit.

Cops can eat a bag of dicks for dinner.

We grew up with a ritual we called "Dank Mobbing" which is one of the joys of life in my opinion. Smoked out, boxed in the country like a clam.
Hey Reedman if I would have done the blood test I wouldn’t have had to do two years of the breathalyzer in my car. In Colorado you do not lose your liscenese for a weed dui. Most people who refuse the test are at a high blood alcohol limit and would result in a felony dui so they don’t do the test.
I’ve encountered two cops in my lifetime that just did their job how they were suppose to. Every other time I have been harassed trying to pad their stats. And everyone of them can kiss my ass. Karma runs full circle!