Willy D meets the Tower


New member
Hello everyone, well I tried a idea, seems it has not worked as well as I wanted.

I started these three Willy D cuts from the one mother plant I got to sprout and grow last year. Willy D is (Williams Wonder x NYCSD ) and was created by Rezdog in early 2000.

These clones are 122 days old today and started to pre flower about 95 days old always on a 18on/6off light schedule. Only thing is I did move them under a new LED lamp my wife bought me, it is suppose to do both flower and vegy, how is that change of light schedule and a flip of a switch to turn on more of the LEDs in the lamp for a higher output and more solid coverage of the area.
A pic of the girls. The first pic is the new LED lamp in the vegy room.







The idea was to get them of vertical height and top them, prune them the lateral branch structure that I wanted. Than when the cylinder was empty I could just move these girls in and flip to flowering them.
That pre flowering stopped my lateral branch growth some and now I have empty spots on the screen and some what flowering plants, so with all the white lights on and no real red used and increasing light hours, well I hope to excite these girls back into vegy growth a bit so I can get them wrapped around the screen.

Enjoy my friends, oh and this time AN Sensi Bloom for Coco PH perfect line up, hobbyist style, kinda just basic additives for the grow.
fresh pic different camera

Thanks MG, I am trying my best, at least my bonsai mom of Willy D is good and healthy, guess all three moms are.
Okay I got a new battery for this other digital camera finally. At least I can take pics that stay upright and not rotating on me when posting them.
I have gotten two of the three girls trained or strapped and spread out on the screen before I took these pics. The flowering is still going on and not sure why at 20 hours light, only a few days of it so far, guess over the next few days I should see a change in growth. I have been feeding them Sensi for coco at 4-4-5 NPK value and even top dressed the pot's a few times with worm castings when I was feeding by hand. They do look healthy to me so I will see what they do for at least 1 week.




Above is the girl I did not get tied back yet, so once that gets done I can truly see what gaps I have and hope I can fill them with growth.



I tried to get in close to show the flowering on them, but this camera only lets me get so close before all goes blurry.
Yes, the plants are inside the screen and I use twist ties to strap them back against the screen and try to tray the lateral branch around the screen until all is full, than flip to 12/12 for flowering. I am going to see how much growth I can get out of these girls in this stage ( flowering under long hours of light) and as I know it the genetics did not contain any auto flowering genetics, but I do love this vegy flowering smell of the plant.
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your system is made for plants the same height as the tower
with the buds growing towards the leds
Yes, that was the idea at least. Why waste time vegg'n for a few months and than flowering them all in the cylinder if I could pre grow them to size and get all pruned and ready for the cylinder for flowering, would like to keep it all cycling if possible.
Regardless of what the box says on this LED lamp the wife bought me, I do not think running 4 out of 9 groups for vegy and all 9 for flower was a accurate way to make this lamp for both phases of growth. I do believe the spectrum is more for blooming, only reason I can see why these 3 girls started flowering on me.

Yes melon I designed the vegy area so that I could produce plants ready for the cylinder. I just did a SWC tray as fresh clones and a month or two later I trimmed roots and put into 5 inch net pots with coco/perlite mixture, hand watered and once roots came out net pots I put them into these waste cans I bought, about a gallon and half in size, 8" round openning up top.

This would be one awesome run if they did not start flowering early on me.

So do I try to vegy/flower them longer to see what they do OR
do I just stop that idea, call it good, and just start the floral process on diet and light schedule ? not sure what to do with this. :puffpuffpass: :puffpuffpass: nope nothing getting done that way :puffpuffpass: nope, but I do feel better, LOL
Hang a couple LED light bulbs in there, 5K+, should make it easier on the eyes and grow better, alleviate the early flowering phenomenon you got going on. Just an idea..guessing..

Or check the voltage on the driver going to each pod and replace the center cluster with a high kelvin COB if possible. Your wife might not like the MOD though, haha.

If the plants got more than pre flowers i'd flower her already. Maybe a 14/10 schedule for a slower transition the first few weeks? I dunno..have fun and a good grow :thumbsup:
Looking good realhigh, think the extra veg height worked well. Could just spiral them around if height was above tower coming out of veg. Good luck with this grow! :party:
I never had an issue with the spectrum on the Tower, but that new LED light she got me I think is the cause, going to throw a few Hash Berry plants under it and see if it happens again, if so a MOB of some type is in order, or extra white light to counter it's spectrum. I will play and figure it out.

Seems maybe a little stem grow is going on, yep kinda more than pre flowering more like early flowering by a week or so, what a disappointment this was, I say that because I wanted to wrap these girls around the screen good and get a full solid screen of bud this run.

Seems like after this weeks cycle on the res. I will got to first week bloom/transitional with reduced hours and work to 12/12 by end of 2nd week and just hope the Grow Gods are watching and help all along in my favor.

Time to get 2nd batch of WD girls growing, oh fix the lamp issue first, thanks for replying everyone as it does help me figure things out. :puffpuffpass:

I will get something going POS, I do know that new LED lamp is 5w chips, how they worded it. I have some new extra T5 grow bulbs I thought I would use with the new LED lamp for know to see if that solves the problem, if so, than MOD the lamp in some way, kinda have to prove it is needed, thanks bro.
days away from flowering.

okay it has not worked the best, or as planned I should say.
so I gave the another week of vegy mix for another week on Sunday, wow it is Wednesday already.
I pruned off a full plastic grocery bag of leaf from all three. I had to as I could not see the bud sites it was so thick. Here are some pics I took on Sunday.



so one rotation to the right to off set the rotation to the left gives an upside down pic.
I really do not understand how that works, screwed up cheap as phones.
Going 12/12 on Willy D in cylinder

Wife got the other camera working, guess my big finger tips press to many buttons at the same time, kinda locked up the digital camera.

Okay I had stripped leaf off the plants a week ago, today it is hard to see as so much new leaf growth, but I am flipping to 12/12 with week 1 floral mix of AN fert's.

I should have a pretty full cylinder this run and actually wish I had put the plants on the outside of the screen this time, but for me to do that I need to think of a way to do it.

Let me get a few things done and I will try to get some pictures of it.





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The interesting thing is the gap between the lateral limbs around the screen. I think after a few days of stretch growth I will have to top most lateral branch's, but this should also make bud growth on the branch much stronger and robust. Here are the other 4 pics I took a bit ago.




Last week when I removed a lot of leaf I had also pruned up and off some growth on the branchs. I try to keep the upright vertical growth growing and remove some side and downward growth from the lateral branch. I do not want to many bud sites and I want room for growth between them. I may be topping the top edge or just let it grow and screen it back some how so it does not fall down in/on the tower. I will see as all grows and flowers. I am for sure looking at more leaf removal in a week I think after initial bud set has taken place.:puffpuffpass:
Well the first 4 days have been going well, all has grown, maybe a bit to much, LOL

I checked in on them this AM, well as I looked at all the leaf up against the tower I smelt something. Shit something is burning.............my leafs are smoking, what the f@#$.
Yep, you got it, LED's (even 3watt) will burn items if left in contact with each other to long.

So I wanted to wait a few days before leaf removal again, but I had no choice but to tie back, cut out, and remove leaf from the plants. Not all of it, I just spent the time this AM to get all off and about a 1 inch space between the tower and the plant material.

I can see what I will be doing this evening, a bit more selective leaf removal and pruning.

I will try to do a set of pics tonight.
Okay, certain strains my do better on inside of screen, but Willy D is for sure a outside the screen plant. I just hope I can keep all this under control for 60 plus days. I actually have 4 WD clones rooted and growing now for next run, and I just put a dozen of BoxCarWilly seeds in the germinator jar the other day, I had two tales this AM an looks like more to come. I hope I can get them to sprout and grow for me.
Wow, a difference in the plant or how I did things this time, but the leaf growth is double and I find myself every 12 hours taking leaf off the plants away from the tower so all does not burn. Oh yes I have to remove wild lateral growth of the lateral branch. Years ago I learned to many bud sites indoors is not the best thing, so I cut off unwanted or off area growth as much as possible keeping in mind to take full advantage of the light source, expose all that I can with room to grow to the LED's.

I wanted more growth for a full screen, think I got more than I truly wanted, but all should be good once I get all cut back and tied back for some bud to grow.
:puffpuffpass: Thanks for stopping by.
Okay, Positively was probably right, should have just went to floral stage at the time they started all that preflower shit........
I did get them to snap back to vegy growth, than at that right time I went 12/12. Tomorrow makes 14 days into 12/12, and only a few white hairs here and there formed, I personally have not seen such green growth this far into 12/12 stage, but never had a plant flower under 18 hours of light either.......... it was a LED lamp with off spectrum, bloom only

So I have had to trim away a lot of growth and grow tips, restrain some, and it still looks over grown.............. so we are in a cold spell, yet I need to go dark for at least 24 hours, need to shock these girls back into flowering, probably a week or two late in doing this, but I need to do something if I want any bud.

Oh, but I do love the aroma and stickiness after doing the pruning and what not...... my mind just wants my jars full of this Willy D bud, I know just dreaming...........:puffpuffpass: