when do you consider a bowl to be cashed?


was stoned on some PK last night and had a thought. dangerous, i realize.

when we use a vape, once the trichome goodness is spent then so is the leaf material in the bowl. so is it the same for a bowl lit with a lighter?

i generally yank a small chunk of a bud into a glass bowl, may or may not crumble it up. so if i hold the flame above the bowl so the leaf material barely burns but the trichs do, when is the bowl considered cashed? back in my younger days, we would smoke the shit til it wouldn't light anymore. even scraped bowls for reasons i no longer want to think about.

seems to me once you do a couple of pulls on the bowl using the method i described, you spend the trichs pretty quickly and the remaining herb (which tastes and looks like crap) is no longer usable.

i feel a twinge of guilt for cashing a bowl that is still relatively full, but don't know if it's worth continuing to toke on it or not. what about you?


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i rarely even finish a joint these days to keep tht burned up nasty funky taste out of my mouth. I'll hit a bowl if it's fresh
Ever since switching to the pax, smoking even the freshest of bowls tastes like total crap. I usually to 2 solid solo sessions out of the pax. One on the way to work in the AM, then on the way home in the PM. The PM bowl is super weak and enough to make it home before my head explodes.

Man I haven't smoked a bowl in a long time. Don't even own one other than the freebies they give out at the despencarys. And they end up in the trash before they are used. The smoking of ashes isn't for connoisseurs at all. I think the only way to smoke weed is in joints and blunts. Any other smoking for me is just concentrates in vaping devices. My life has been way better since I have been doing it this way.(asthma) hate old dirty bowls. So freaking nasty.
Just my 2 cents on that tho. I'm sure not everyone agrees.
Same here b-dub . Either paid way too much or put too much labor into it , to not completely finish it .
For me its all about how well it's grown, if the buds are overly dense with plant material instead of trichs then only the first few hits are good in a joint or bowl.
When the buds burn super clean and it takes a min. to stop the bowl from puffing after you hit it are the bowls I finish to a clean white ash.:rollitup:
I use my PAX most of the time. I only take about 4 hits before tossing. Lots of waste but that is one one the luxuries of growing. Pretty much the same when I smoke a bowl. Three or 4 hits and dun.....A tip...don't load your mix so full and change more often. The taste is 1/2 the pleasure of smoking.
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I smoke a joint if i wanna try something out initially ..but my preference is my bong ..there's just to much waste in a joint with boutique weed it gets super resinous to the point most won't even smoke again if ya put'em out...just my 2 pennies
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trusty pinch hitter or my glass bat waste not want not , though i find cookies far better effective for my epilepsy .
Just put enough in the bowl for one nice clean hit.
Clean bowl.
Repeat as needed.
Exactly my thought as well. Lol. It does get a bit more "tedious" but I'm not typically in a hurry when partaking. I don't get to "play with pot" as often as I would like anyway. And with friends sharing your homegrown, it's always nice to give them fresh hits. I still have a couple of friends who are still old school. The CRAM the bowl as full as it can go. Then smoke as much as they will and then leave the half bowl of char in the bowl until the next session. My buddy and I will chuckle and now share the text "well I'm not going to start with that..." When we see it or are partaking separately. Not ungracious mind you, just snobby I guess. But hey, a lot of work went into the clean burn, flavorful hit you're about to enjoy. Why not maximize it?

But mostly I just hit my pax these days. More flavorful than any bowl.
The CRAM the bowl as full as it can go. Then smoke as much as they will and then leave the half bowl of char in the bowl until the next session.

yeah, that's the part i'm talking about. i never leave some for later. used to in the good old days, but not anymore.

puffing small amounts is definitely a way to minimize wasting material. but... even in small amounts the question remains, do you need to smoke it down to when the material is ashed. or is it a couple of puffs and done?

(fwiw, i agree with the white ash comments. if the batch you have does that then go for it. i sort of fizzled on my PAX, i should start using it again)

passes a bowl to Annaba....

i usually smoke it down to nada - it tastes good to the end so why not

though I will tap out a half smoked bowl if it sat overnight

mostly i do bong rips though
I call these vape tailings.
I collect them and put them in edibles. Who said "waste not, want not?"

Wish I could do one hits out of the bong but I'm like freeheelers friends, plus it has an ash catcher. So hard to clean though.
I rotate between bong, vape and joints with edibles to keep my feet confused.