The Island 🏝️ Shop Coming Soon!

Hey curby this could be opportunity knocking. Could I put genetics in the shop and the proceeds go to the cabana? Would be my way of contributing back to the Island.
Im going to do some "Cabana Boxes" with seeds donated from our island members and breeders. These will have multiple packs (How many??? obviously depends on the donations) but im planning on 5-10 packs per box, could be more we wil have to see the response. I need to set criteria for what will accepted and needed for the donations, I may have different tier boxes, where maybe a Gold, Silver, Bronze option or something along those line, im just thinking out load right now. But these will be sold at a INCREDIBLE VALUE to our members. People will get lots of quality, rare, unreleased, and exclusive Cabana gentics for a MIND BLOWING DEAL!!! This will help our community members looking for genetics and bargains, and will be how I cover site expenses, such server fees, upgrades, promo, events, booths etc...

I promise these will be VERY COOL!!!
I have had a lot people messaging me about donating seeds. I have not set criteria yet for what will be required to donate seeds. One thing that def be required before I can accept anything will be documented grow log in our Breeders and Seeds section! So make sure you get on that now if you wanting to donate anything!

A store is coming and again lots of messages from members wanting to vend. Keep in mind, I can’t offer everyone’s gear. Again guidelines for what it takes to vend on the cabana need to be set, and I’m not there yet. I appreciate the response on IG and over here on the island! I will keep everyone posted.