Putembk has been promoted!

"Location: Here....been banned everywhere else"

Congrats, Putembk. Now you can make sure you won't get banned here. ;)
All joking aside great person for the job!

:rofl: Actually the only place I have been banned on was the Farmer. Logic and I don't see eye to eye. Should have been there....went down in a blaze of glory. :magic:
Thanks Putembk for taking on this labor of love. May your new responsibilities be light and may all the work bring you satisfaction!
U oughta fit right in Pute. They all ripped from morn till night "claims its a job requirement". So step up and hit that bong.

Thanks again all. Yup, fit right in. Only job I have ever had where smoking is a job requirement. Big boys do all the work.....I just follow them around hoping I can be like them some day.......:prop: