Name Your Bong ??


Resting in Peace
Do you name your B.O.N.G. ??? Ijust got my Cobalt BLAZE glass piece and thought and looks like Blueberry and remember that song about finding his thrill on blueberry hill so came up with the name { Blueberry Thrill } and seen many names like

Wesley Pipes
James Bong
King Bong
Long Bong Silver

Obi-Bong Kenobi

Donkey Bong

The Bonginator

Anyone have a special name for your Bong ??:afroweed:
Funny thing is this Bong was much bigger in person that in the pics and seems that way here also but is some serious thickness and about 17.7 inches tall and really holds a good portion of water and simple without all the bells & whistles but rips like a smokestack !! :bonghit:
Lol, my dad has a bong named Wicked Wanda, shes about 29 years old and rips like the name suggests!

Hope you pick a good name for your new glass!
I'll name mine toast...broke the collar last week...its one of those 9mm. heavy went dink...
I have a yellow bong name Yellowstone. A blue one called the blu devil. And all of mu pipes and bhbs are named also
I have a little micro bong that I call the "Warp Whistle",and a single pull old school straight bong that I call "BUbbles".

My first Nice glass piece 2 friends and I went in on together and it was called "the creeper" I have an old ceramic gnome bong call "the foaming gnome"... Also had mango, precious Paul and Al Z hiemer.. Hehe