Lactobacillus varieties

Lactobacillus varieties are:

Saprophytic - they break down organic matter and generally do not harm living things.

Antipathogenic - they are effective and beneficial microbes that outcompete and overcome “the bad guys,” or pathogenic microbes.

Ubiquitous - they are everywhere!

Facultative - surviving in both aerobic and anaerobic environments.

Microaerophilic - preferring environments with less oxygen than typical environmental air similar to conditions in soil. Rod shaped - bacillus means “wand” or “small staff”- the “magic wand” because fermentation has an alchemical nature of transmuting raw materials into more nutritious valuable preparations.

Heterofermentative - translates to producing a variety of outputs including nutrients, CO2, yeasts, acids, and carbohydrates, which plants crave.
Hey thanks for dropping some knowledge here. Have seen your stuff before and make my own ferments and labs. I've seen the bas yahweh and your label says whey from goat milk. What other things besides that and rice can you use as your beggining(forget the name) to collect microbes from the air?
Hey thanks for dropping some knowledge here. Have seen your stuff before and make my own ferments and labs. I've seen the bas yahweh and your label says whey from goat milk. What other things besides that and rice can you use as your beggining(forget the name) to collect microbes from the air?
You can literally use any source of carbs to collect ambient microbes. A piece of bread, pasta, potatoes, mushrooms even.