Intro to Fermented Plant Extracts

fpepicforforum.PNGA diverse and complex ecosystem exists in the soil where plant roots create symbiosis with soil borne micro-organisms. Lactobacillus bacteria found in fermented plant extracts helps provide a baseline support for the soil ecosystem. We produce a wide variety of seasonal batches in addition to the standards: comfrey, pumpkin and hemp.

The quality of our results are a direct reflection of the quality of the inputs. At Fermented Plant Extracts, we use locally produced microbiological inoculants to ensure quality and freshness. We grow many of the plants used in our products on a small farm in Western Colorado - particularly comfrey. On this 5 acre plot we use only natural probiotic and regenerative practices to enrich the land we cultivate.

Fermented plant extracts are useful in a variety of ways - including soil drench, foliar feed, and compost acceleration.

I teach how to make these preparations online and in person, for free and for charge at any scale.
Fermented Plant Extracts are an empowering way for farmers to tap into the natural environments around them to harness microbe and plant synergies.
Nice to have you here! Looking forward to having a garden that I can apply some of these products to!