Any other large-scale industrial hemp farmers here?


Burning Paper Tigers
Hey folks!

Any long-time, trusted Islanders who are now involved in large-scale CBD hemp farming?

I have an inherent distrust in "breeders" and seed producers but need to gear back up this winter to produce another 600,000 plants for May 2020. It's very difficult to find farmers' reviews of genetics online.


I think Bogstomper was involved in the CBD hemp scene in VT, but I haven't seen him here recently.
Hey MoHo, Oregon cbd are producing the best seeds if you can manage to get them. high grade hemp in Co are good. Shakti seeds are good and quantity pricing is better than others. I ran their T1 x cherry wine. Assuming you want feminized. We ran from clone this year but I think I want to do mostly seed next round.
Trilogene Was good! I wouldnt consider myself big, but we ran 4100 plants for our first year and didnt do too badly! Trilogene had good plants that grew to a decent size considering how late we planted, but the Kush hemp from Sovereign Fields is just nuts! We are drying some of the Sovereign now and should be trimming starting next week. I can let you know the results after we do our final testing. Hope that helps. Oh and I just remembered, Trilogene merged with another company this year and I dont think they have a name yet but you can still find them as Trilogene on facebook. Hope that helps.