Reversing Males???


Purple Is As Purple Does
so we have the sticky's for reversing females, I think sts works best if you can find it, so it got me rembering a thread on OG back in the day about reversing males. I remember chimera was talking about sum product he used to reverse them but I can't rember what its called. he even showed a pic of the new dj short male reverse to female and pollenated. anyone remember what is used to reverse males?

also was wondering if anyone has tried this ? I'm interested in trying it to aid in male selectoin. I would think reversing all the males you could see which ones were frosty and smelled good to get an idea of what genetics theyre going to pass on. what does everyone else think?
Male plants sprayed with florel will produce Female flowers. I have never tried it but CTG has. You might want to ask him about it.
In another thread, he suggested using Florel for the reversal of males.

I would think reversing all the males you could see which ones were frosty and smelled good to get an idea of what genetics theyre going to pass on. what does everyone else think?

That's an interesting question NG. From what little i know, folks say the only 'real' way to know how good a male is as a father is to test his offspring.
I had a blueberry male that was really resinous, I had to keep cutting him back as he grew so fast and everty time I handled him he emitted an imense smell, just a stud. I made kif from the male cuttings when I pruned him, it was almost as good as the kif from the blueberry females. After beign revegged a couple of times and very highly stressed he produced female buds at his topmost nodes. I never left them long enough to be worth sampling though, he was lost back in April.
Never tried it but Dutch Master has a product called Reverse geared towards reversing hermies, from what I understand.
Thanx ctg that's just what I was wondering. Yeah I guess you can't tell what traits are dominant and recessive and will actually be passed on, but it seems like a good way to compare the males to each other. Elimate sum this way and you don't have to grow out as many seeds to test them the old fashioned way, but still probably use the growing out of their crosses as final selection. im thinking of it like reversing 11 males then taking the best 3 and testing them the old fashioned way.

how did your tests turn out? do you still test males by reversing them or was it just sumthing fun to try?
how long do you wait between applications on the males, and is it best to do one right befor you put them into flower or to wait a week or so after spraying to flower them.

that's kool you can consume and not just decide by looking at them, should be more exact.

thanx again for the info everyone.

florel is the product we used NG..
you can indeed test the potency and flavor of males using florel but it doesn't really let ya know what else the male will pass to the following generation..

once reversed they do put out buds, not big buds mind you but enough to sample.

florel is used for many things, one being to ripen tomato crops.. It is safe to consume plants that have been treated using this method.

1 tsp per gallon of florel sprayed two to three times during veg stage on males will reverse them. Has to be in veg stage though...
1 tsp per gallon of florel sprayed two to three times during veg stage on males will reverse them. Has to be in veg stage though...

lmao wish i read this 3 months ago
i tried it at 1 tsp /pint and they were about 3 weeks in 12/12
nearly killed them
they got all twisted up and turned purple
but after about 3-4 weeks they grew pistill's
was very interesting to see
didn't need them for anything so they're in the compost now

So CTG...are you sprayin an application immediately before bloom? does this stuff wear off like sts over time?
We were wondering what sort of seeds that a reversed male would produce. Someone was saying that a selfed male would only produce male offspring. If plants are the equivalent of humans, males would be XY and would produce 50% XY, 25%YY, and 25% XX. YY doesn't work well in the mammal world, as there would be no mitochondrial dna.

Reversing a male?, now that`s a new to me as I`ve never thought of it before.., take care n stay safe.
As you can see from the date of the original post, this was a thing for a bit. Don’t hear of anyone doing it anymore.

Basically your looking to see how a male segregates, homozygous or a wreck. Much like reversing a female,, it’s a much faster way to see if your intended parent is worth a rip, instead of running a male across a few different cuts to see how the plant performs outcrossed. Speeds up the process of seed work.

Personally haven’t done the deed.
I believe they would be, nanny. You got the Y chromosome in there. I think the distribution ratio you mentioned above is about right.

I wonder what those YYs would turn out like, or if they would just not germinate.
Resulting seed are male and female.
I’ve used florel several Times to do this.