Put on your shades!


sticky is as sticky does
So, I ran across this reference to a new study published recently that showed that yield increases with light intensity, WELL BEYOND the intensities we growers normally use. Hard to explain, but check out the article (the headline is a little misleading):


I think that what stops most of us from moving toward greater light intensity is HEAT. Too much heat in the grow, too much heat on the leaf surface, etc. If the heat is kept in check with good environmental controls, additional light = greater yield.

The study did NOT, however, consider the QUALITY of the final product. So that remains to be seen.
180-the article said 500 light-units got 300 g's and 1500 got 800 g's.
By my math the larger light should have gotten 900 g's just to match the smaller intensity...

Don't get wrong, I've used 1k's over 3x3's with good ventilation....GREAT results....sometimes....
Well, just tripling the size of the grow would increase other costs...if we get into the math of it.

But that's just numbers on paper. In reality, I think my 6'x9' flowering room, designed for two 1000s, would be like a toaster oven with six...radiant heat and all that.:dunno:
And that’s achievable by using high intensity, broad-spectrum (white) lights that cost a fraction of what growers spend on those designed specifically for horticulture.

It’s also more than twice the intensity of a 1,060 watt HPS light, which is “almost universally considered the optimal lighting for growing cannabis.”

Am I missing something or did they conspicuously not mention the type of light they were using?

2x the intensity of a 1000w hps (not sure wtf a 1060w hps is) at a fraction of the cost?
Back when I first started growing indoors, the bare minimum for good growth was said to be 20 watts of HPS per square foot. But that was back in the 80's. I'd have to guess the bare minimum is more like 50-60 watts psf.