Peach Fermented Extract

309581707_66smsm2076718540043_6143330527316475193_n.jpgPeach fruit extract is made with love on a small farm near Paonia Colorado using natural probiotic farming practices.

Note: The Fermented Liquid Peach Extract is a seasonal summer product, and only available for a limited time!

Derived From: Orchard Grown Peaches, Clean Mountain Water, molasses, sorghum syrup, Lactic Acid Bacteria sourced from local goat whey, Super Cera Powder, and EM-1. This is then fermented until the peach fruit is digested and extracted into the liquid and the sugars are consumed by the microbes to lock in the PH for stability and ease of use in the garden.

Why Use?

This particular fermented plant extract is made from ripe peach fruit, and all the information we have about fermenting your own extracts suggests that you should start with the part of the plant that you wish to grow. For instance, if you wish to get faster vegetative growth you would ferment fast growing green leaves to feed to your plants. However, if you wished to grow bigger flowers, you should ferment flowers to feed to your plants. It is with this idea, we fermented peach fruit to be used as an all natural bloom booster for your garden.