New I-95 work being done

Good day TD fans
Sorry I haven’t been active as of recently
But I have a new male that will be doing his thing here real shortly
Allot of og and chem hybrids and some other flavors going in as well
So just for feedbacks sake what would interest you ?i95 brings power to the table this new male is fragrant as well with a nutty sour/vanilla thing going on
One of the females being used is my vanilla bean female from his sister so f2 ‘s will be in order as well
lmk what y’all would like to see not saying I’m gonna donit but I would like some grower feedback
Some requests may already be in the works but hey couldn’t hurt
Blessings cabana crew
That's great news Mike. Can't wait to get my hands on some new beans. I have to pop my I-80's soon to see what is hiding in them. Keep up the great work.