Mother plant, from seed or clone?

A cut rooted in a bubbler for hydro don't have those fine hairs on their roots, one that is rooted in soil will have these fine hairs.
That's interesting. Thx

Maybe that's what the guy was talking about when I read he was searching his cuts for certain types of roots. Maybe he was searching for fine hairs rather than the stringy ones.
I honestly feel like I have better results with clones for flowering. Once they are rooted and comfortable, they tend to blow up fast. I’ve been working with clones (Kratom and weed) over the years and have used cuts as future mothers, never giving me any issues. Once a cut is established, I feel that it’s really no different than a seeded plant. Perhaps there’s some sort of initial seed energy push, but there’s also a fresh clone push that I’ve def noticed. So I dunno 🤷‍♀️ I feel like once the root system is there and it has become strong, the plant will thrive regardless.

Best wishes on your grow <3