Botanical and animal oddities...


Well-known member
I was thinking today about how lucky we are to have cannabis that will breed like rabbits compared with some other plant and animal species.

Take peppers (hot) for instance. A quick look at a capsicum cross-ability chart shows the possibilities or problems trying to breed different varieties.

Most everyone on this forum would be able to recognize a White Elm (commonly called an American Elm), can't be crossed with any other type of elm tree because it has twice as many chromosomes as the others.

Tigers and lions, produce a Liger, but they (like me) wouldn't be able to survive outside captivity, because they have to expend so much energy to hunt that they couldn't possibly catch enough to offset the calorie burn rate... I, on the other hand would starve to death in sizeable and prolific garden patch with the TV remote control in my hand.

Take two cannabis plants (possibly even if they are both female) and low and behold you'll have seeds... and a fat little man, sitting in a garden patch, smoking a pipe not-so-far-away... what a lovely plant!

Happy 4/20
