Don’t sleep

Sha has so much fire. Never had a bad pack from this dude. People always complain that no one line breeds anymore. Well Sha and High &Lonesome do and have some of the most cost effective lines out there. Cheers to you Sha
I appreciate that so much, thanks bud🙏🏼 I’m a grower first and hated when I bought a pack of seeds with amazing photos and descriptions just to find one plant out of the pack that kind of looked or hit the description. Not including the time and energy wasted.
No one will ever have that problem with the beans I put out👊🏼
I really want to grow that love candy. I have a few old packs of blockhead and would love to run them side by side.
The love candy is more on the p91 side of blockhead. I grew it out for a solid 10 years outdoors. It’s one of those rare outdoor varieties that comes out looking indoor. My buddies back then passed it off as indoor and NCGA at one of his parties told me he didn’t believe me it was outdoor and that it was indoor😀